Document Vouchers
Purchase Vouchers

Document Vouchers
For customers who will be purchasing several documents, we recommend the use of our Document Vouchers. Each Voucher can be redeemed for any document of your choice, within 18 months of purchase. We offer 3 for $59.95, 7 for $119.95, and 15 for $229.95.
Vouchers can be purchased with your credit card or Paypal account using the buttons on the left. Your Voucher numbers will then be e-mailed to the e-mail address you enter into Paypal's billing page. You will also be able to access your most recently purchased Voucher numbers on the Vouchers page (this one!), provided that you are signed in to your account.
To use a Voucher to buy a document, sign in, fill in your responses, create a sample document, and click on the 'Use a Document Voucher' link in the bottom left. Upon entry of a valid Voucher number, you will be returned automatically to your full-length document.